City of Long Beach Hosts Third Community Workshop for Green Terminal Island Plan

The public is invited to attend the next community workshop for the Green Terminal Island (TI) Freeway Transition Plan (Plan), and provide input on concepts to transform the freeway into an eco-friendly corridor that better serves the community.

The workshop has been scheduled for Saturday, July 18, 2015, at 10:00 am at Silverado Park, 1545 W. 31st St.

The event will build on earlier outreach efforts, focusing on the community’s vision for converting the TI Freeway into a local-serving road with an associated greenbelt.  The workshop will also discuss design, access, and land use concepts that will have a major impact on enhancing the quality of life of surrounding neighborhoods in West Long Beach.

The TI Freeway is the first of its kind to be studied for decommissioning in Southern California.  The underutilized freeway has been listed among the top opportunities nationwide for replacing aging urban highways with boulevards or avenues that connect to a large network of streets.

Funding for this Plan has been provided by a Caltrans Environmental Justice Planning Grant.

City of Long Beach California Ryan McGinnis web