Rent Jungle releases Long Beach Average Rent, Downtown Long Beach Listed as Highest

Long Beach, CA
According to, the average apartment rent in Long Beach, CA as of December 2016 has trended down .4% over the previous 6 months with 1 bedrooms averaging at $2010 a month and two bedrooms averaging at $2694 a month. Average rents varied drastically though from neighborhood to neighborhood in Long Beach.
Here is a breakdown of rent averages from the most expensive parts of town to the least expensive:
Downtown Long Beach $2645
State College Area $2408
Los Altos $2127
Circle Area $1949
Bixby Area $1773
Belmont Heights $1689
Belmont Shore $1656
East Side $1582
Lakewood Village $1546
North Long Beach $1256
Wrigley $1228
Poly High District $1191
Downtown Long Beach is not only the most expensive neighborhood to rent now in Long Beach, but it was also listed as the 5th hottest real estate neighborhood market in Los Angeles according to LA Weekly utilizing data from the most recent Zillow Home Value Forecast.
This comes as good news to those seeking gentrification as a way to boost the local economy while providing jobs to working families across Long Beach, but as bad news to those advocating for affordable housing in the city center.
In his State of the City address Tuesday night, Mayor Robert Garcia stated that City Council will be discussing building more affordable housing in Long Beach in February.
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