Election Results: Measure H Passes with Two Thirds Majority

Los Angeles County
With 100% of County Precincts reporting, Measure H garnered enough support to reach two thirds majority at 67%.
With the passing of Measure H, LA County voters will see a rise in sales tax by a quarter of percent for the next ten years in Los Angeles County to fund homeless services and prevention programs. Long Beach Residents however will not see this rise in sales tax until 2023, when at that time, the sales tax would be offset by the reduction in Measure A, the temporary sales tax passed by voters in Long Beach in 2016 to fund infrastructure and public safety.
Proponents of Measure H have said it will generate approximately $355 million annually throughout LA County for projects to prevent homelessness; subsidize housing; provide case management services; increase income; strengthen coordination of systems; preserve and promote affordable housing for people experiencing homelessness; and provide services to address the causes and effects of homelessness.
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