Army Veteran Arrested in Plot to Bomb Bluff Park and several other locations in Southern California
Mark Steven Domingo, 26 years old of Reseda, was charged Monday April 26th with attempt to provide material support to terrorists.

He took on plans to manufacture and use a weapon of mass destruction in order to commit mass murder, and avenge the shootings at two mosques in New Zealand that left 50 people dead. Army veteran, Domingo said “there must be [sic] retributions.” While serving in Afghanistan he had converted to Islam and expressed in online posts “violent jihad, a desire to seek retribution for attacks against Muslims, and a willingness to become a martyr.” He had been under investigation since March after posting his political and religious views on various platforms online, which flagged violent rhetoric. Officials state, he was taken into custody on Friday night after visiting his target place in Long Beach. He was set on detonating bombs at various locations of Southern California with the intent to attack Christians, Jews at synagogues, white supremacists, a military facility, armed police officers, crowds at Santa Monica Pier and in Huntington Beach if the Long Beach rally was delayed or cancelled. According to the affidavit, Domingo had bought three-inch nails for the explosive device, as it was “long enough to penetrate the human body and puncture internal organs.” Further “as part of the plot, Domingo asked his confederate — who actually was cooperating with the FBI as part of the investigation — to find a bomb-maker” but he failed to develop a plan and got caught in time.
By Yasmine Tanres
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