The Port of Long Beach to grant $100,000 in scholarships for 77 local college and high school students

The Port of Long Beach on Tuesday announced $100,000 in scholarships for 77 local college and high school students as part of a dramatically expanded and acclaimed education outreach effort.
The students receiving the scholarships were recognized at the Port’s sixth-annual “Celebrating Education” event, along with the Port’s 25 incoming high school summer interns, and the 22 local teachers who were trained in engineering education earlier this year as part of the Port’s externship program.
The event brings together students, educators, public officials and business leaders to highlight the Port’s education outreach programs and accomplishments in the goods movement industry. This year’s event was held at the Long Beach Marriott as part of World Trade Month.
The Port also announced that participation, grade-point averages and enrollment in Advanced Placement courses have steadily improved among students registered in the Academy of Global Logistics at Cabrillo High School since the program was established by the Port three years ago with the Long Beach Unified School District.
The four-year, career-based AGL program combines academic curriculum with training for students interested in global trade, logistics and supply chain management.
Recently, the Washington D.C.-based University Professional and Continuing Education Association awarded its annual Engagement Award to the partnering organizations for AGL. The award recognized “an outstanding mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources” between the AGL and the California State University, Long Beach, Center for International Trade and Transportation, along with the university’s College of Continuing and Professional Education.
“The Harbor Commission has a longstanding belief in leveraging the Port’s position as the second-busiest container seaport in the United States for positive changes in our industry and our community,” said Tracy Egoscue, President of the Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners. “The Academy of Global Logistics at Cabrillo High School successfully combines academics and industry-relevant training with the goal of educating our city’s students to become leaders in global trade and goods movement.”
Among the accomplishments:
- There are 464 students currently enrolled in AGL, up from 433 students who participated in the inaugural 2016-17 program.
- 67 percent of AGL students earned a 2.0 GPA or higher in 2019, up from 61 percent in 2016.
- About 16 percent of AGL students are enrolled in Advanced Placement classes, up from 6 percent in 2016.
The $100,000 in scholarships announced Tuesday was the highest amount to date for a single year. The Port also added engineering and environmental science categories for LBCC and Cal State Long Beach students, and increased from 39 to 77 the overall number of scholarship recipients this year compared to last.
Also on Tuesday, the Harbor Commission approved an increase in the annual scholarship fund to $125,000 for next year.
Since 1993, the Port has awarded scholarships to 541 students pursuing careers in international trade and goods movement. This year’s scholarships went to students from local high schools, Long Beach City College and Cal State Long Beach.
Additionally, the Port welcomed 25 Long Beach-area high school students who will work as interns this summer. The six-week program offers real work experience and mentoring for those interested in careers in international trade and related fields.
The Port of Long Beach expanded other education programs, including:
- Launching the Maritime Center of Excellence at LBCC to offer training in logistics and supply chain jobs requiring more than a high school diploma, but less than a four-year degree.
- Adding new Science, Technology, Engineering and Math programs – STEM – across LBUSD high schools.
- Becoming the first industry partner of the Long Beach College Promise.
- Receiving the Cal State Long Beach President’s Distinguished Service Award for the Port’s accomplishments in education.
“The Port of Long Beach is committed to investing in tomorrow’s future industry leaders through internships and scholarships that will help support the development of a skilled workforce in international trade and goods movement,” said Mario Cordero, Executive Director of the Port of Long Beach. “As the industry continues to grow, education outreach and workforce development programs have become a larger priority for the Port of Long Beach and the entire goods movement industry.”
The Port of Long Beach is one of the world’s premier seaports, a gateway for trans-Pacific trade and a trailblazer in goods movement and environmental stewardship. With 175 shipping lines connecting Long Beach to 217 seaports, the Port handles $200 billion in trade annually, supporting more than 575,000 Southern California jobs.
Media Contact: Lee Peterson, Port of Long Beach Media Relations Manager, (562) 283-7715 (office), (562) 519-2177 (cell),
Scholarship recipients:
California State University, Long Beach
Master of Science in Supply Chain Management Scholars
Morgan Foldesi
David Palacio
Jeremiah Pfaff
California State University, Long Beach
International Business Administration Scholars
Vanessa Arebom
Paula Broomhall
Jose Castaneda
Juliana Choup
Tayane De Abreu Stanize
Parastoo Hamedaninia
Giselle Hernandez
Samantha Ho
Mitchell Kao
Marcel Lamicq Zumbado
Elizabeth Marentis
Dimitre Nenov
Sing Yiun Ng
Patricio Stevens
Francisco Tolentino
California State University, Long Beach
Engineering Scholars
Dariel Tapia
Thao Tran
Calvin Ung
California State University, Long Beach
Environmental Science Scholars
Alondra Fernandez
Brian Ronne
Noah Stevens
Long Beach City College
International Business Scholars
Arevik Benavidez Torosyan
Savoth Chea
Priscilla McKee
Jenjira Meekrobthong
Leo Paniagua
Jesse Perkins IV
Esmeralda Ramirez
Cheryl Tobin
Long Beach City College
Trades Scholars
Johnny Bravo
Maria Castillo
Miguel Cetina
David Cordero
Raul Felix
Juan Ordonez
Jake Perry
Regan Tho
Anthony Yracheta
Long Beach City College
Engineering Scholars
Brandon Ansbro
Samnang Cheng
Lucas Gonzalez
Sara Karkhanehchi
Jonathan Lopez
Pedro Ruiz Ortega
Jessica Wise
Long Beach City College
Environmental Science Scholars
Miguel Disanzo-Graham
Idalia Gonzalez
Jena Jimenez
Eva Schmidt
Long Beach City College
Maritime Center of Excellence Scholars
Shawky Andrew
Maria Avalos
Christine Bradshaw
Nora Calleros
Yuri Ceron
Aierann Citizen
Jennifer Cordon
Sara Franklin
Margarita Garfia
Derrick Grayson
Chhan Hak
David Hoffman
Dominique Magsby
Mark Marsh
Bryant Martinez
Marlyn Martinez
Lara Mata
Sai Matagi
Chanel McNair
Liliana Mendia
Elizabet Ponce
Myesia Pouncey
Eduardo Vargas Ramirez
Lorena Ramos
Janice Reeder
Stephanie Rivera
Anthony Rodriguez
Jonathan Salazar
Savanna Sao
Luis Valenzuela
Tatiana Vidana
Long Beach Unified School District High School Scholars
Aaliyah Zoie Berwick, Woodrow Wilson Classical High School
Cade Jefferson Brounley, Robert A. Millikan High School
Joshua Dungca, California Academy of Mathematics and Science
Nathan Rene Palencia, Robert A. Millikan High School
Naveed Reza Torabzadeh, Long Beach Polytechnic High School
Ava Camille Toy, California Academy of Mathematics and Science
Frank Sinjin Wells, Long Beach Polytechnic High School
Academy of Global Logistics Scholars at Cabrillo High School
Seraitigai Alo
Isaiah Davis
Zo Juarez-Hotaling
Jared Paz
Jocelyn Serrato
Javier Sostenes
2019 High School Summer Interns
Rudy Almazan, Robert A. Millikan High School
Matthew Barrera, Ernest S. McBride High School
Lara Bauk, Long Beach Polytechnic High School
Itzel Corrales, California Academy of Mathematics and Science
Isaiah Davis, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo High School
Joshua Guevara, Long Beach Polytechnic High School
Alaa Haroon-Ahmed, California Academy of Mathematics and Science
Monica Hernandez-Ramirez, California Academy of Mathematics and Science
Jack Herrema, Robert A. Millikan High School
Kevin Huynh, Robert A. Millikan High School
Isaac Julian, Woodrow Wilson Classical High School
Daniel Lowe, California Academy of Mathematics and Science
Christina Marsh, St. Anthony High School
Melinda Martinez, Robert A. Millikan High School
Ellie Matsuno, California Academy of Mathematics and Science
Iman Naiem, California Academy of Mathematics and Science
Christine Porciuncula, California Academy of Mathematics and Science
Shohan Ramesh, California Academy of Mathematics and Science
Noah Ramos-Ontiveros, St. Anthony High School
Vani Sachdev, California Academy of Mathematics and Science
Trisha Sanchez, Robert A. Millikan High School
Seth Severtson, Robert A. Millikan High School
Autumn Watts, Woodrow Wilson Classical High School
Trevor Wofford, Long Beach Polytechnic High School
Victor Zuleta, California Academy of Mathematics and Science
2019 Academy of Global Logistics Boot Camp Class
Brian Alaniz
Ashley Ceja-Franco
Angel Cervantes
Fenix Chan
Murco Contreras
Kayla Coulter
Donovan Cruz-Bradley
Isaiah Douglas
Jason Espinoza
Donnie Felix
Isaak Garcia
Jose Gomez
Maximo Gonzalez
Jennifer Larios
Kimberly Lopez
Leonardo Lopez
Melany Lopez-Montanez
Daniel Meza
Joshua Pinargote
Cristopher Joe Sison
Camila Vantillano-Lopez
Joy Wallace
Katelyn Zamora
2019 LBUSD Teacher Engineering Externship Class
Amy Bailey
Carrie Beltran
Kennetta Coulter
Frederick Dizon
Olga Echerri
Mariela Figueroa-Bugarin
Carl Fraytet
James Gallardo
Lupe Garcia
Theodore Harder
Christopher Harris Jr.
John Jacobson
Sandra James
James Kent
Somaly Kouy-Imatomi
Anetta Leone
Claudia Marquez
Shannon Mulvaney
Carol Sandoval
Alyssa Tucker
Jonathon Virak
Charis Williams-Robinson
Photo Caption: High school summer interns were welcomed Tuesday as part of the Port of Long Beach’s sixth-annual Celebrating Education event.