Moonlight Movies on the Beach
Starting June 18 through August 20, 2019 Alfredo’s Beach Club will be presenting Moonlight Movies on the Beach. All movies are free for the public and all shows will begin at dusk, around 8pm. Depending on the movie there will be three different locations throughout Long Beach, Granada Beach, Cherry Beach, and Nautilus Shell Shoreline Village.

This years the theme is about giving back – this summer Alfredo’s Beach Club is teaming up with Justin Rudd and the Community Action Team to represent a local charity at each movie night. They will be asking movie goers to help these charities by bringing canned foods, new socks, cat/dog toys, and other non-perishable items to the movies to donate. They want to connect local charities with the community. Please check out Moonlight Movies on the Beach Facebook page for updates on which charity will be represented that night.
For more information on the movie lineup, visit this event is brought to you by Long Beach Transit and the Port of Long Beach.
By Scarled Murillo
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