2019 LB Branch NAACP Programs — Mediation, Healthy Living, Preparing for College, and Scholarships
Long Beach Branch NAACP invites you to the October General Membership meeting on Sunday, October 20, 2019, at Ernest McBride Park, 1550 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, Long Beach, California. The meeting is from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, including a reception. This meeting is open to the public. The Agenda includes the Youth Programs of the Long Beach Branch NAACP. Cerritos professor Mr. Cagnollati will facilitate the College Workshop Series. The LB NAACP Scholarships and ACT-SO Program will also be kicked off. Dr. Dorothy Reed will also speak about, Making a Lifestyle Change, a weight loss, and lifestyle change program. This is also a continuation of the NAACP LB’s Series called “Engaged Community Focused on an Enhanced Supplemental Education for all Children and the branches Dialogue about Solving Conflict in a Non-Violent Manner.” David Evans, Graduate Intern of the Long Beach Branch NAACP, and recent graduate of CSULB with a certificate in Mediation, will conduct the first of a series of Mediation workshops for youth.

Supporters and partners of the program are Reverend Wayne Chaney Jr. and Antioch Church, 100 Black Men of Long Beach, Council Member Dee Andrews 6th District, CCEJ, Long Beach Youth & College Council, Santa Monica/Venice NAACP, Inglewood NAACP, Beverly Hills NAACP. Additional partners are welcome and asked to spread the word and attend this important meeting for personal growth and to help our communities. become more harmonious.
Mrs. Naomi Rainey-Pierson, President of the Long Beach Branch NAACP states. She further stated This meeting is geared for the youth, and for the community to learn about the various programs, the NAACP provides for youth. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was formed in 1909 by a group of black and white citizens, in response to injustice that many Americans confronted solely because of race. Today, the NAACP, the oldest and largest civil rights organization in the world, continues to focus major efforts at increasing voter empowerment, educational excellence and individual responsibility, thus creating an infrastructure for economic and social development and new effective ways to develop young leaders. This meeting is open to the public, to reserve a seat, RSVP to mnaacp@gmail.com