Coyote Encounters Prompt Safety and Prevention Reminders
In response to recent coyote activity in and around Long Beach, residents are reminded to follow important safeguards to protect pets and property against these wild animals. Coyotes do not require open space to survive and have successfully adapted to living in urban and suburban neighborhoods. Coyotes can be seen at any time of day, although they are most active at dusk, dawn and at night.

The following techniques are recommended to compassionately co-exist with coyotes and to protect yourself and your pets:
- Keep pets, especially cats and small dogs, inside.
- Keep pet food indoors, and if feeding pets outdoors, supervise feeding and remove the food bowls within an hour.
- Stay close to pets when they are outside and keep them on a leash, especially between dusk and dawn.
- Remove fallen fruit from the ground.
- Bag food waste and make sure trash containers are securely closed.
- Use “hazing” techniques to shoo away coyotes, such as:
- Standing tall, yelling and waving arms
- Using a whistle, air horn, bell or other noisemaking devices
- Banging pots or pans together
- Stomping your feet
- Flashing bright lights at the coyote
- Spraying the coyote with a water hose or pepper spray
- Throwing tennis balls or sticks toward the coyote
- Never run from a coyote. Running from a coyote can instigate the coyote’s prey instinct to chase.
- Never feed coyotes or any other wildlife.
In 2015, after unanimous action from City Council and community engagement, Long Beach instituted a Coyote Management Plan to effectively respond to concerns about coyotes. Long Beach is committed to safety for people and animals and Animal Care Services is requesting the assistance of the community. Please email or call (562) 570-7387 to request informational flyers, to schedule a speaker for a neighborhood watch or community meeting or to determine whether an Animal Control Officer is needed.
It is important to make reports about coyote activity and encounters with Long Beach Animal Care Services. To report coyote sightings and encounters, visit
An Animal Control Officer will respond to coyote calls if the coyote is sick or injured, out in the daytime in areas around people, especially children at parks or schools or anytime there is an attack or threatening behavior toward a person or pet. If a coyote is posing an imminent threat to life, call 9-1-1.
Media inquiries can be directed to Staycee Dains, Manager of Animal Care Services 562.570.3051 or