CSU, Long Beach in Third Place to have Minorities Succeed
California State University, Long Beach has been ranked third in the nation in awarding Bachelor’s Degrees to minorities in 2019. This is based on the report from Diverse magazine. Diverse magazine is on a mission to set the standard for reporting on diversity, access, and opportunity for all in higher education. The results at CSU prove the success of minorities and the amount of inclusion that exists at the college.

According to the report, it includes all majors and all minorities. Minorities are defined as students who identify as Native American, African American, Asian American, Hispanic or two or more races. The list that Diverse composes, helps establish the top 100 rankings for schools all over the United States. The report helps focus on the impact that higher education has for minorities. You can refine the report to look at specific schools and, compare schools, and identify the lowest or highest-ranking university. The report highlights that 71% of 2019’s graduates are part of the underrepresented group of students receiving a Bachelor’s degree. During the 2017-2018 academic year, CSU, Long Beach witnessed that 4,252 bachelor’s degrees were awarded to Beach minority graduates. If you would like to see the full report from Diverse, please visit diverseeducation.com
By: Alejandra Salgado