CSULB Students and Advisors in Self-quarantine After Covid-19 Exposure
Ten students and two advisors from the California State University of Long Beach have been self-quarantined after traveling to Washington D.C.

The group attended an 18,000-person conference in Washington over the weekend. Three conference attendees, unrelated to the campus, have tested positive for the coronavirus.
Out of an abundance of caution and in coordination with public-health officials, our Beach community members who were in attendance are now in self-quarantine,” said Dr. Kimberly Fodran, Co-Director of Student Health Services and Chief of Medical Staff at CSULB in an email that went out to all students Monday morning.
As one student lives in on-campus housing, the facilities are being specially cleaned as a preventative measure.
Currently, no students have tested positive for the Coronavirus.
By Casey N. Wilson
IG : _caseynwilson