COVID-19 City Update: 8.07
Note an underreporting of COVID-19 cases has been discovered due to technology issues with the electronic laboratory reporting system which reports into the State’s disease registry system (CalREDIE). Patient care and test results are not affected or delayed by this issue. Laboratories continue to report test results directly to providers and hospitals. Hospitalization and death rates are not impacted as they are reported directly to the State through different systems.
By the Numbers (Long Beach only):
- 8,775 total positive results
- 181 fatalities
- 89 people hospitalized
- Approximately 7,455 recovered (Please note that, for low-risk patients recovering at home, recovery data is self-reported)
- Information as of August 6
Details Regarding Fatalities:
- 124 are associated with long-term care facilities
- Ages:
- 2 were in their 20s
- 2 were in their 40s
- 13 were in their 50s
- 41 were in their 60s
- 42 were in their 70s
- 55 were in their 80s
- 26 were over 90
- 82 female, 99 male
- All individuals had underlying health conditions
- At this time, to avoid risk to patient privacy, no further details will be provided
Long-Term Care Facility Case Information:
- 1,223 positive cases have been confirmed at a total of 32 long-term care facilities (LTCF) in the city since the start of the pandemic (see attachment).
- Thirty-two is a cumulative number; the Health Department is currently monitoring long-term care facilities with active cases. These cases include both facility residents and staff members (who may not be residents).
- Long Beach has a total of 71 LTCFs, including assisted living and skilled nursing, that are currently open and operating in the city.
- In line with the California Department of Public Health’s standard for listing skilled nursing facilities with positive cases, the City is listing facilities currently experiencing outbreaks (more than two cases of COVID-19) including counts for health care workers and residents.
Tracking the Curve
- Information regarding positive cases, hospitalizations and demographic breakdown is available online at and on the City’s digital dashboard, providing the most up-to-date information available (see attachment).
Today’s Highlights:
- Moving forward, Long Beach City Council meetings will be translated in real-time upon request, per the City’s Language Access Policy. To request a translator for future meetings, members of the public can contact the Office of the City Clerk 24 hours before the meeting.
Orders of the Health Officer
- Amendments to the Isolation and Quarantine orders requiring individuals with COVID-19 to self-isolate, and those at risk to self-quarantine (7/28)
- Access to Diagnostic Testing Through Healthcare Facilities (7/20)
- Latest version of “Safer at Home” Order (7/13)
- An additional health order further protects those living in congregate health facilities (4/15)
Past News Releases:
- To view COVID-19-related news releases, visit the City Press Release Archive. Releases include information about economic relief, help for people experiencing homelessness and updates regarding City operations.
Joint Information Center:
- The Joint Information Center (JIC) remains open during normal business hours, weekdays: 562.570.NEWS (6397) or
Whom To Call & Additional Resources:
- Up-To-Date Local Information on COVID-19: and @LongBeachCity on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Highlights can be found using the hashtag #COVID19LongBeach.
- Media Inquiries (normal business hours, weekdays): 562.570.NEWS (6397) or
- Business Information Line (normal business hours, weekdays): 562.570.4BIZ (4249)
- Public Information Line (normal business hours, weekdays): 562.570.INFO (4636)
- Health Providers:
- Normal business hours, weekdays: 562.570.4302
- After hours, emergency only: 562.500.5537
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
- Port of Long Beach COVID-19 Information:

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