City of Long Beach 2021 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Virtual Celebration
The City of Long Beach invites the community to participate in a virtual MLK Day of Celebration and Service on Monday, Jan. 18. The virtual event will honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., feature engaging forums and activities and showcase the arts and culture of the community. You can watch the virtual event on Facebook and YouTube from 10am – 12pm today.
Watch here:

The City of Long Beach will adhere to an amended schedule for the Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) holiday on Monday, Jan. 18. The City of Long Beach is reminding all residents and visitors to comply with the Safer at Home Order during the holiday weekend to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 as cases continue to surge.
Gatherings among people from separate households are not permitted, per the updated Health Order issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. People should maintain at least a six-foot distance from other individuals not in the same household, including when at beaches and parks; wear a face covering whenever they are in public; wash hands frequently and sanitize high-touch surfaces.
The City facilities and services listed below will adhere to the following schedule.
Open on Monday, Jan. 18. during regular business hours:
- City-run COVID-19 test sites and the Rapid Assessment Clinic (Jordan Plus High School site open regular hours; all other sites open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
- Fire Stations and Lifeguard Stations
- All City parks and trails
- Long Beach Airport
- El Dorado Regional Park (El Dorado Nature Center is closed)
- Marina offices (Alamitos Bay Marina, Shoreline Marina)*
- Main Police Station Front Desk
- Refuse and Recycling Collection
- Gas Services Dispatch (562.570.2140) open 24/7 for emergency calls
- Water/Sewer Dispatch (562.570.2390) open 24/7 for emergency calls
Closed on Monday, Jan. 18:
- Joint Information Center (562.570.NEWS), Community Hotline (562.570.INFO), Resource Hotline (562.570.INFO, option 5), Business Hotline (562.570.4BIZ)
- Animal Care Services and spcaLA*
- Billie Jean King Main Library, all branch libraries, including pickup services and Library offices (digital resources available 24/7)
- WorkPlace, Youth Opportunity Center and Pacific Gateway Administrative offices*
- City Hall*
- Citizen Police Complaint Commission
- Building and Safety Services, including inspections and permits
- Code Enforcement services, including the COVID-19 Venue Task Force
- Energy Resources offices
- Fire Headquarters, Support Services, Fire Prevention, & Operations, including Marine Safety Administration
- Health Department and Health facilities*
- Housing Authority*
- Long Beach Airport administration offices
- Neighborhood Resource Center*
- Park offices and community park facilities*
- Special Events and Filming
- Street sweeping
- Swimming pools
- Towing and Lien Sales
- Water Department offices
- Gas, Water and Refuse Call Centers
*Indicates City facilities and services currently operating under modified operations until further notice as a result of COVID-19 physical distancing restrictions.
City Hall
City Hall closed public access on March 18, 2020, and will remain closed until further notice. Residents are encouraged to utilize online services during this time.
Street Sweeping
There will be no scheduled street sweeping or enforcement of street sweeping violations on Monday, Jan. 18. Street sweeping will resume its regular schedule on Tuesday, Jan. 19. If a person has received a street sweeping citation and is experiencing COVID-19-related hardships, they may apply for an exemption by following the process to contest a citation.
Parking Enforcement
Read your parking meter: Parking meters will not be enforced on Monday, Jan. 18, unless the meter states “Exempt on Holidays.” The days and hours of enforcement are displayed inside the meters. Beach lots as well as red, white and blue curbs are always enforced, even on holidays.
Trash and recycling will be collected as scheduled on Monday, Jan. 18.
Towing and Lien Sales
The Towing Operations & Vehicle Storage Facility that is located at 3111 E. Willow St. between Temple Avenue and Redondo Avenue will be closed on Monday, Jan. 18. Normal business hours are:
- Mondays through Fridays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Closed Sundays and holidays
Vehicles and property are available for release outside of the hours listed above for an additional fee. More information can be found online.
All Long Beach Public Libraries (LBPL) closed to the public on March 18 and will remain closed until further notice. Contactless pick-up, available at select locations, will not be available on Saturday, Jan. 16. Library patrons are encouraged to make use of LBPL’s vast collection of digital resources, including the library catalog, downloads and databases, available 24/7. Library services will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 19 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.For assistance, people may call 562.570.7500during those hours.
City-Operated COVID-19 Vaccination Sites
City-run vaccination sites are by appointment only and are not affected by the holiday. A new site at the Convention Center will open on Tuesday, Jan. 19 for those who qualify and have an appointment.
For the latest information on COVID-19, with details on all that the City of Long Beach is doing to keep our residents safe, visit follow @LongBeachCity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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