City of Long Beach requiring mask indoors regardless of vaccination status
The City of Long Beach has seen a 288% increase in average daily cases over the past two weeks as well as a current case rate of 7.5 per 100,000 residents, up from less than 1 per 100,000 on June 15.

These trends are similar to those reported by LA County. In addition, the CDC lists Los Angeles County, including Long Beach, as an area of “substantial” virus transmission. The delta variant, which is more highly transmissible, is now the dominant strain in California, including in Southern California, comprising 60% to 70% of new cases.
Given these numbers, the City of Long Beach will align with LA County in requiring masking indoors regardless of vaccination status. Additional information on the implementation of this requirement will be available soon through an amended Health Order.
Scientific evidence shows that vaccines continue to be an important tool in preventing COVID-19 cases. Vaccines also lower the risk for severe disease, hospitalizations and deaths. In June, 84% of new cases occurred among people who have not been vaccinated. No capacity limits or business restrictions are being implemented at this time.

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