Long Beach Rescue Mission participating in Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive

LONG BEACH, CA – The 30th Annual Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is a nationwide collection of non-perishable food run by the United States Postal Service. The food drive delivers goods to community food banks and homeless shelters.
The Long Beach Rescue Mission is currently collecting canned goods until the morning of May 14 to contribute to the drive, and items can be dropped off anytime at the Mission.
The goods collected by the Rescue Mission will be sorted and packed up to be delivered to the post office in contribution to the annual food drive which takes place nationally on May 14.
The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive has been in operation for the past 30 years and is the largest single day food drive in the United States. Since its creation, the drive has collected over one billion pounds of food for those experiencing food insecurity.
The food drive has been unable to operate for the past two years due to the Coronavirus pandemic which has created an even bigger need for food donations as many Americans are feeling the economic impacts the pandemic has brought on. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture 13.8 Americans experienced food insecurity in 2020.
Those looking to participate in the drive can drop off items to the Mission, donate directly to a local food bank, or leave non-perishable food items by their mailbox on May 14 for their letter carrier to grab.
The Long Beach Rescue Mission also takes donations throughout the year and accepts items for many of their different programs. Currently their most needed items for donation are twin size fitted sheets, socks of all sizes and toiletries.
The different programs run by the Rescue Mission have different needs. The Lydia House, which houses women and children, requests donations of baby supplies such as diapers, wipes and children’s clothing.
The Learning Center needs donations of school supplies and the Samaritan house needs donations of men’s clothing. On top of these needs, the Mission is always in need of canned goods.
The Long Beach Rescue Mission provides resources and amenities to their residents for free so donations are always appreciated as they contribute to the services being provided.
Donations are accepted everyday from 9 A.M to 5 P.M at the Samaritan House at 1335 Pacific Ave. Donations can also be brought to the Long Beach Rescue Mission Thrift Store at 207 West Anaheim St. Tuesday through Saturday from 10 A.M to 4 P.M.
To learn more about the Long Beach Rescue Mission or to schedule a drop off for the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, visit https://lbrm.org/ or call (562) 591-1292.
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