Long Beach moving to two days per week of outdoor watering
LONG BEACH, CALIF. — As California continues to face dry conditions, the Board of Water Commissioners voted Thursday to implement additional water conservation measures.

With the Board’s decision to implement Stage 2 of the department’s Water Conservation and Water Shortage Supply Plan, Long Beach residents and businesses must limit outdoor watering to two days per week starting today June 1.
“We’re asking everyone to do their part to help conserve water in these unprecedented times,” Board Vice President Gloria Cordero said. “I’m proud of all our community has done already. If we all just do a little bit more, we can make a big difference.”
Watering under the new guidelines will be permitted only on Tuesdays and Saturdays before 9 a.m. or after 4 p.m. Watering time is limited to 10 minutes per station, or 20 minutes for rotating nozzles.
Long Beach Water, working together with our community partners, has long been a leader in conservation efforts. Long Beach’s water demand is at about the same level now as it was in the 1950s despite a 40 percent increase in population.
But as we face three of the driest years on record, everyone is being asked to find new ways to save water. Limiting outdoor watering, upgrading with water saving appliances, implementing simple indoor water-saving hacks and even converting turf to water-wise gardens are all ways to conserve.
And Long Beach Water offers many helpful programs and rebates to make saving water even easier. Residents and business can find more information at LiveH2OLB.com.
“Long Beach Water has done all we can to prepare for long term drought, working hard to ensure a consistent, diversified and reliable water supply,” General Manager Chris Garner said. “Our efforts combined with the community’s water-wise lifestyle will help us address these unprecedented conditions and prepare for future challenges.”
Prior to Thursday’s action, Long Beach had been in Stage 1 of the Water Conservation and Water Shortage Supply Plan, which allowed for three days of outdoor watering per week during the summer months and two during the winter months.
Communities across the state are facing increased water rules, such as the recent action by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, or MWD, limiting several areas to one day per week outdoor watering. MWD supplies imported water to much of Southern California, including Long Beach; however, Long Beach is not directly impacted by the current one-day-a-week restrictions.
Long Beach Water, with strong support from our community, is committed to continued conservation measures in the face of California’s ongoing drought.
For more information on Long Beach Water, visit LBWater.org.
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