1 Killed, 8 Injured, Including Infant, after Police Chase Ends in Long Beach
A police pursuit ends when the suspect crashed into multiple vehicles. The incident, killing at least 1 and injuring 8 people just after 8:00pm Tuesday. According to police, there was an infant inside the suspect’s vehicle during the pursuit that ended near 2nd Street and Pacific Coast Highway.

Seal Beach police initiated the chase and was the agency in pursuit at the time of the collision, according to the Long Beach Police Department.
According to Seal Beach police, it all started around 8 p.m. when officers attempted to pull over a female driver for a traffic violation near the intersection of Pacific Coast Highway and Fifth Street.
She had a man in the passenger seat and an infant in the vehicle, according Public Information Officer Julia Clasby.
“After contacting the female driver of the vehicle, the officer returned to his vehicle and noticed that the female driver switched seats with her male passenger,” Clasby said.
The man took off and led a high-speed chase that included him driving on the wrong side of the road. After triggering the crash at 2nd Street and PCH, the man got out and tried to run off, but the SBPD officer used a Taser to subdue and arrest him.
Following the crash, the suspect, later identified as 39-year-old Chaz Lamar Long of Antioch, said Lt. Julia Clasby of the SBPD.
“It was later discovered that the suspect had an outstanding federal no-bail warrant for weapons violations,” police said.
The suspect, woman and infant were all sent to the hospital though details regarding their conditions were not immediately released.
Multiple victims had to be extricated from vehicles after the crash using the Jaws of Life, Long Beach Fire officials said.
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